Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend!

We had a VERY busy, but FUN long weekend at the Woodruff house. It started with the sox game described in the blog below. Then Sunday morning Matt got up and took off to go 4-wheeling with Rick and Jocelyn. My mom, the kids and I hung around the house and then after lunch I brought my mom and Carolanne home and the kids and I headed up to the Pit were Matt was riding. The kids were so excited to get to take turns on Daddy's 4-wheeler! Even Aiden got Collin going for a ride with Daddy Kylie with her Uncle Rick Aiden loved his ride with Daddy

After everyone was done we followed Rick and Jocelyn back to their house were they were kind enough to have us over for a BBQ! The kids had a great time playing with their dog Hannah, and just running around in their back yard! After we were all done eating and cleaning up the guys built a fire in their fire pit..and we sat around and roasted marshmallows and made s'mores! Jocelyn enjoying a Appletini

Collin, Rick, Matt and Kylie roast marshmallows

Mmmmm Smores

Aiden and Mommy snuggling
We didn't get home till after 9 which is way past the kids bed time..they were so filthy from playing outside that they had to take a bath. You should have seen our tub. Ewwwe.

Sunday we ran a few errands, then came home and had a BBQ at our house. Rick and Jocelyn came by as did Matt (McNally). Beth had other plans so she couldn't make it..we missed her! Since Collin plays T-ball he got to walk in the towns Memorial Day parade.

Walking in the Parade

He was all excited. How ever NO one from T-ball showed up. So he walked half of the parade route and decided to turn around and watch the rest of the parade and collect candy.
looking for candy Found some

We spent the day with good friends, just talking and laughing and eating while the kids played out side.
Matt the grill Master! Rick and Jocelyn Matt (McNally)..We missed Beth!

Here are some of my favortie pics from this weekend. Enjoy!

I love this pic! A boy and his dad!

Kylie and her Uncle Rick have such a special relationship

Sunday, May 24, 2009

A Day out for Mommy and Daddy! Sat May 23rd

Well after 2 years, Matt and I finally got a day out! And Boy did we need it! We took the T in to boston, and gave Matt and Beth a call to let them know we had arrived at Alewife Matt and I on the T

Matt and Beth at Fanniel Hall!

We met up with them at down town crossing, and just walked around. Matt (McNally) sent us on a wild goose chase for some burritos. Only to find the resteraunt was closed, and ended up back at Fanniel Hall. We got our food, and found a nice place to sit outside were we sat, ate, talked and people watched! From there we walked to the North End and went to Mike's Pastery. The line was out the door, but Matt and Beth assured us it was worth the wait and that the line moves fast! They were right on both accounts. I was still stuffed from lunch, but decided that the Chocolate covered strawberries looked way to good to pass up! Matt got a eclair which had to have weighed 2lbs. McNally got a very yummy looking piece of chesse cake, and Beth chose a cannoli. Again we found a nice little

Outside of Mike's Pastery My choco covered Strawberry

park to sit in and ate our treats, and just laughed and chatted some more. From there it was on to The Boston Common and Boston Gardens. I really wanted to see the Make way for Duckling Statues..But Matt and Beth had no idea what I was talking about. Oh well! Oh for later reference they are at the corner of Beacon and Charles. Anyway, we took a nice walk throught he Common and the Gardens which was GORGEOUS. Beth showed us were she worked then we walked Newberry street. For those that are from out of state, or just don't know. It's a very ritzy, shopping district. With great resteraunts and stores that I'm pretty sure can't even afford to window shop in. But it was great looking around. Then it was to the T and off to the RedSox game! We were sad to have to leave Matt and Beth..but had a great time and appreciated them showing us around! We got to the stadium area, and OMG was it crazy! Yawkey way was moving at a slow crawl. But we made our way through the crowds and into our seats. We had great seats, minus the pole in our way. Although I think I lucked out as I could see the whole field. The pole only obstructed a small portion between home and first!

the view from my seat

We had a great time! Beckett was pitching..and we were we ahead for just about the whole game. Althought the bats weren't very hot that night. I did all the typical Sox fan stuff, ate a fenway frank..aka the 5 dollar hotdog, participated in the 7 inning stretch, and sang "sweet Caroline" at the top of my lungs!

Big Papi, and JD Drew at Bat

Josh Becket pitching

Although I think that my favorite part of the game came when at the top of the 9th Jonathan Papelbon took the mound! The crowd went wild and they played the drop kick Murphy song that he danced to during the world series! Again we sang at the top of our lungs and laughed and has smiles ear to ear! Unfortunatly the first batter got on base, but then Pap started throwing some heat and struck the next to batters out looking. Then he threw some serious heat and the hitter got a piece of it and hit the wall. The play went under review because it hung on the wall for a sec before bouncing back into play..they called it a homerun. So that put the Mets ahead..and we didn't do anything with in the 9th. Oh well. Still a GREAT time!

Matt and I at the game!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Ice Cream Cones and Belly shots!

Daddy, being as awesome as he is decided that he would give us all a very special treat right as he was walking out the door. Chocolate Icecream in cones. Isn't he the best!!! Luckily for Mommy it was very nice out so she could just stick us out onto the deck. It kept the messy sticky icecream off her clean kitchen floor and counters. Mommy also said that god was very smart to make kids so washable! I don't know what she is getting at with that remark, we didn't get to sticky and messy did we? We'll let you be the judge of that!

Kylie feels the need to get every last drop of icecream she can get out of the bottom of the cone! This pic of Aiden may say to some "I don't know about this icecream stuff" but if you really know you, you'll know it's more saying "Mom, get that thing out of my face, you know I'm to serious to smile"
Collin is such a goof ball that I can't seem to get a pic of him with out that silly smile and crazy head tilt. He's his fathers' child I'll tell you. Those two are like peas in a pod!

I thought I would share a 'belly shot' of myself since I've been telling everyone how big I am already! I mean, I'm HUGE! So here is a shot of me from today. 17 weeks pregnant! I swear I get bigger earlier each time. Hard to believe that to date, I have gained NO weight, infact have lost like 5lbs. Anyway, all is going well so far. I feel great and am enjoying this pregnancy. We go back to the Dr's for a regular OB apt on June 2nd! We'll schedule another u/s then to check the babies anatomy, such as heart, brain, and spine development. Our last U/S was strickly to check that there was a hearbeat, and nothing else. We'll also get another peek and make sure it's still a boy!

A fun Playdate!

We were invited to one of Mommy's oldest friends Missy "Prince" Bakers' house for a play date! She had 2 kids...Riley who is almost 3, and Spencer who is just about 15 months old. Kylie was THRILLED to go and play with a little girl her age, and we were all excited about getting out and making new friends. The Mommy's were pretty boring and sat and drank coffee and talked. All though Mommy said she had a great time, I think we had ALL the FUN! The girls had fun playing with hopscotch pieces, and dancing..while the boys enjoyed playing with waffle blocks. We all thought their play room so super cool! Riley and Spencer were so nice to us, and shared their toys so nicely! Aiden and Spencer were so cute together. They kept staring at each other as if to say "Wow, he's my size! Cool"

Riley and Spencer's Mommy was super nice to us and even gave us a snack while we were there. The big kids had some yummy grapes, goldfish, and pretzel sticks! Mommy said since we all got along so good, and since we were on our best behavior that we would definatly do this again. Infact Mommy said we are gonna have them over to our house next week. We can hardly wait. I hope that we remember to share as nice as they shared their toys!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

T-ball, and chalk fun

Swing batter, batter! So Collin started playing T-ball a few weeks ago..and although some times he grumbles about having to go he always ends up loving it, and having a great time. For those of you whom have never been to a T-ball game. It has to be one of the funniest things I've ever seen. First off you've got the kids in the out-field that just don't feel like being there story over and out. So they are picking dandilions, or digging in the dirt, watching the ball fly by them. Then there are the kids that are up at bat, hit the ball and instead of running to first base, the decide that they would rather run over to third base. Oh and my all time favorite is when a kid hits the ball and everyone including the kid that hit the ball and those already on bases run after the ball. LOL! Collin has been guilty of almost all of those, except for the picking dandilions. Collin this evening thought that he would entertain himself, and unknown to him the adults that were watching, by running the bases with his fingers in his cheeks making fishfaces. LOL! Could you imagine if the pro's did that. Thank goodness we only play 3 inning though..because after the first two it does get to be a bit like watching grass grow. Anyway. All of our games have been evening games on the week day, so I have to take all the kids by myself the the field. Kylie does awesome as she LOVES to play with one of the little boy's on Collin's team big Sister Sammy! She was one of my old students when I was working daycare and a sweetie pie. So Kylie and Sam color with chalk, and do summer-saults. Kylie actually started taught her self how to do 'rolls' about a month back and is rather good at them considering she is only 3! Anyway, that leads to Aiden..Oh that boy! He starts off great. He sits in his stroller and cheers "Yeah Nin-nin" which is what he calls Collin. Well that only lasts the amount of time it takes him to eat his baby fruit snacks. Then he wants down. For a few minuets he is usually all about what Kylie is doing. So today he really wanted to play chalk with Kylie How ever that only last a few minuets before he decided that it would be more fun to run off on Mommy. This became the new game, and he had lots of fun trying to run through the fields, or around the track, or even to go partcipate in Collin's game!