Friday, April 30, 2010

T-ball and sippy cups.

It finally happend, Our FIRST T-ball game of the season. Really we should be on game 2, but our first game got rained out. Mommy says that's part of spring sports. Kylie and I were so excited, here are some Highlights from the game....Here's me Up to Bat.

Mommy had a hard time getting a good picture of Kylie up to bat because she is a left, so unless mommy went and stood in the middle of the field this was a good as it got.

After the whole team had their turn batting it was time to Take the field. At the start of the game I was on first base..that meant I had to be on the look out for the kids to throw the ball to me, then it was my job to throw the ball back to home plate!

I'm ready for action, and for that Ball to come to me!!!!!

Kylie on the other hand, seems to think that T-ball is a time to socialize and talk to the girl that comes to her base about her earings!

The ball came to Kylie, and instead of Throwing it to first base, she thought she would walk it over and Talk to her friend Izzy on the way.....ahhhh girls!!!!!

We both had a great time playing in our first game. We both can't wait till our next game!!!

In other Woodruff news, Since every time Shane sees someone drinking he smacks his lips, makes a sucking sound and reaches for the persons drink Mommy thought it might be time to try a sippy cup with Shane. He shocked us all when the second mommy gave him the cup he started drinking it. Here is Shane with his sippy cup for the first time. He's drinking very very watered down white grape juice. He LOVES it!

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