Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Ke-ke Lou's Tutu!!!!!!

I decided that since the boys get so much blog time, and since I am the only girl that I would commender the blog for a moment! For Christmas, Santa brought me the cutest Tu-tu ever. Turns out, Mommy's friend Stacey is the one that actually made it for me. Mommy said that the sewing elves must have been pretty busy and Santa heard that Stacey is a really good Tu-tu maker so he asked her to make me one. How cool!!!! Anyway, here are some pictures of me in my tu-tu~ Jumping UP~~
Landing from my big jump!

Anyway, that's all. Mommy did want me to tell all of you that if you are intrested in a cute tu-tu like this to let her know and she can put you in touch with her friend Stacy. She custom makes them and can do any color(s) and size that you want. She also does matching bows. I have two of them but forgot to put them in my hair

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