Monday, April 5, 2010

He is RISEN!!!!!!!

Happy Easter everyone! We hope that you all had a great Easter, we sure did!!!!!!! When we woke up in the morning we found that the Easter Bunny had come and left us lots of Eggs (50 to be exact) and our baskets. Now Kylie and I both knew all about the Easter bunny and what to expect, but for Aiden it was kind of new because he was only 1 last year and didn't remember. We were so excited and running around getting Eggs that Mommy could hardly get's what she did get!!!!

The Easter Bunny Even hide our baskets. He was VERY tricky with Kylie's and ours this year. I guess he thought since we are older now that we would be better lookers too!
Kylie's was hidden *inside* her doll carriage, and because her bucket and the carriage are pink it wasn't very obvious!
Aiden's was hidden *UNDER* the time out chair. We thought that was a silly place!!!!
and mine was hidden in the silliest place of ALL. It was hanging *UP* on the plant hanger. I must have walked under there a dozen times before I noticed it!!!!!!! I was Cracking up when I found it.

I needed a little help from Daddy to reach it! The Easter Bunny didn't really hide Shane's basket, it was in his swing. But that's OK since Shane is kind of little to look for his basket. He was so excited about his bunny though, and enjoyed looking through everything in there!

After our egg hunt Mommy, Kylie and Shane got dressed and ready for Church. They are so good to have gone. I stayed home with Daddy and Aiden. Daddy thought it would be very busy in church and crowded and was afraid that Aiden wouldn't sit still well enough and since we KNEW the crying room in church would be full we stayed home. When Mommy got home she made a nice big ham dinner, and Auntie Beth and Uncle Matt came over to celebrate Easter with us. Kylie got to help with the Green Bean Casserol!We had such a great day with our family and Uncle Matt and Auntie Beth, who to all of us ARE our family!!!!!!! It was great enjoying a beautiful day, celebrating Jesus going to heaven for us. "Wow..he must really love us" (this is an actual quote from Collin when we were talking about the day)

Ok, so we kinda gave mommy a hard time getting a picture of all 4 of us!

Kylie and I dancing!!!!!

Auntie Beth and Uncle Matt brought us "baskets" too. Shane LOVED the Easter grass!!!!!
Memere and Pepere stopped by for a visit. Again Aiden didn't want to get his picture taken!They got me a bathrobe, I LOVE it!Kylie got a baking set and it came with a apron!
LOOK! A picture of Mommy! That hardly never happens!

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