Friday, February 5, 2010

Getting to know SHANE!!!!!!

So Mommy thought it would be a nice idea if we each take a turn having the blog to ourselves so we can talk all about what we've been doing, and all the things we love! So we decided that since he's the littlest that Shane should go first. Well obviously since he's just a baby he can't really 'tell' you about himself that I would do it for him.... Anyway, Shane will be 3 months old on Sunday, he went to the Dr's last week and we were all shocked when they did his lenght and weight. Now we all now that he's a bit of a chub, but...well you judge for yourself here are his stats....he weighed in at 16lbs and was 25 inches long. Mommy said I was about that size at 6 months old! Shane is really starting to coo and be interested in his surroundings. He loves when we talk to him and babbles right back at us. He's rolled over a few times and Mommy says it probably won't be long before he does it all the time! He's a very very happy sweet little guy and we all love him! Here is a picture of him playing peek-a-boo under a blanket..this was taken just last night (2/4/10)
In the morning when we first get up we are all snuggle bugs. Once Mommy is done feeding the baby either Kylie or I snuggle with Shane while Mommy goes and gathers the things for Shane's is a picture of Shane and I snuggling
After nursing, it's time for Shane to have a bath. Now, he use to HATE being naked and his bath. But now he LOVES his bath. He kicks and smiles all through it! After his bath Shane gets all lotioned up and dressed for the day...then it's play time!
Here are just some pictures that Mommy took of Shane last night (2/4), just playing around

Look, Mommy took out the exersaucer for Shane. He was so excited that he could sit in it and play with all those toys!
I showed Shane how his book can make noise and told him all about the pictures in the book while he had some tummy time!
Mommy says that tummy time is important for shane because it helps him get his muscles strong and that's also how he'll learn to roll over and crawl. He sure is getting strong. Look how well he can hold his head up and play! Hope you enjoyed getting to know all about our baby brother! Stay tuned for when Shane starts eating cereal, which Mommy says isn't to far off!

1 comment:

  1. Shane you are sooo cute. Look how big your getting. Can't wait to see you roll.

    Love you,

    Matante Pauline
