Sunday, September 13, 2009

A toothless moment!!!!

Your NEVER gonna guess what happend to me! Are you ready for this...I LOST MY FIRST TOOTH! Can you believe it? I won't be 5 for another few weeks, yet I lost a tooth. See, I wasn't kidding when I said that we are all growing up. Mommy and Daddy were both a little concerned that I had already lost a tooth so they looked on line, and sure enough everything said kids loose their first teeth between the ages of 4 1/2 and 7. It also said that the earlier you get your teeth the earlier you will loose them. Well unlike my brother and sister I got my teeth early only 6 months. So looks like it's OK! Anyway, here are some pictures of me and my amazing lost tooth!

So So, Last night when I went to bed, I put my tooth under my pillow. Mommy and Daddy told me the tooth fairy would come and leave me somthing in place of my tooth. Here I am this morning. I woke up and like Mommy and Daddy to do I checked under my pillow. My tooth was gone, but this is what I found in it's place...........

I can't believe that I got $5 whole dollars! I am just so excited about this. Although, I do wonder what on Earth does the tooth fairy want with my teeth? I thought it was so surprised that the tooth fairy could take a tooth and leave money under my pillow with out me knowing. I told mommy that she must be very sneaky! Oh, and as a special treat today..Daddy is taking me 4-wheeling!

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