So this weekend (December 12th & 13th)Uncle Matt and Auntie Beth came over to visit. Saturday was Uncle Matt's b-day so Mommy made a cake for him, and sunday Daddy, Uncle Matt and Uncle Rick went to the Patriots game and left me and the rest of the kids home with Mommy, Auntie Beth, and Auntie Jocelyn stopped by too. Here is a picture of Shane with his very special Auntie Beth, whom is gonna be his Godmother by the way! Mommy and Daddy asked Uncle Matt and Auntie Beth this weekend to be Shane's Godparents. Mommy says she wished she had a camera out at that moment and took a picture of Auntie Beth because she was beyond thrilled and teared up. She's such a doll.
Rub a dub dub the kids in the tub and who do you think they be? US!!!! We love when mommy lets us take baths together. We have a grand old time splashing around and making her crazy! These pictures were taken of us last night (December 14th)
Aiden thought it was hysterical that mommy was making his hair stand up!!!
Wow, look how high Kylie's hair is sticking up!!!!
and here's me. I don't have nearly as much hair as Kylie and Aiden so my hair doesn't stick up as high. But what do you think, should I get a mohawk? LOL!
As you will be able to see from the next few pictures, Shane is growing really well. He's learned how to smile, and does it alot. He's also starting to coo which we all LOVE. It's so cute when he talks to us. Mommy got some great pictures of Shanes beautiful smiles last night (12/14)
So what do you think, is Shane just about the cutest thing you've ever seen in your life?
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