Monday, October 31, 2011

Apples and snow

Hi everyone...Wow I can't believe how long it has been since Mommy let me get on here. In her defense our internet was acting out and we couldn't get the pics to upload..Anway here is what we have been up to the last few weeks. So 3 weeks ago Mommy and Daddy took us apple picking at the Red Apple Barn in Philipston MA. We had SOOO much fun. Here we are taking a Hayride.

4 little monkey's swinging from a tree....

Think we picked enough?

Just think of all the pies, apple pancakes, and Apple Crisps we can make!!!!

Mommy said she LOVEs this picture of us! Just hang'n out in the tree

Want to talk about a difference 3 weeks can make, Notice in the PREVIOUS pictures how we are in shortsleeves it was warm and gorgeous WELL Saturday (Oct 29th) the weather man said we had snow coming. Now we all (at least those of us that live in MA) know it can happen usually it's just a dusting in october and melts the next day..Well it started snowing around 1:30 on saturday and went ALL NIGHT till about 9am the next morning

Here is what we woke up to on Sunday morning!!!!! Notice how tall the snow pile is. Shane is standing RIGHT next to it!!!!

Collin RAN..... Then did a Belly flop into the snow!!!

Here is Shane's impression of Santa! Guess he was with mother nature and confussed what Holiday it was...

While the Boys played I was hard at work helping Mommy and Daddy clear the cars!

Since there was SOO much snow we decided to make a snow man! Mommy made the Base, and Collin Made the middle!

I Rolled out the Head

Aiden gave the snowman his arms!!!!

the finnished product!

Here I am with our snowman!!! It was so big it was even taller than Mommy!

Shane saw Mommy making a snow Angel so he thought he would give it a try too!!!!

After we got out of our wet snow gear Mommy put on nightmare before Christmas for us and we all snuggled and watched the movie and drank some warm cocoa!!!!!!! Yummy!!! Aiden was SOOO excited about it!

Don't mind my wild woman hair..remember I had JUST come in from playing in the snow.....

How cute is Shane's Shirt? Auntie Jocelyn and Uncle Rick gave it to him for his Birthday!!!! (No you didn't miss his birthday, they just gave it to him early since they have plans already on his Bday)

Collin was to enthralled with the movie to look up and smile... So that's all from the Woodruff house! Hopfully our internet will continue to coperate so we can keep up with our blog better!!!!

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