Collin Clinton Woodruff!!!! Born on November 9th, 2004 @ 5:53am. weighing 7lbs 8oz and 20.5 inches long!!!!!

Collin is turning 7 years old, and is a first grader at the Hubbardston Center School! He weighs 48lbs and is 47 inches tall (or 3feet 9 inches)! He enjoys playing soccer, and video games and having playdates with his two best buddies Wyatt and James!

and to Shane Thomas Woodruff!!! Born November 7th, 2009 @ 11:23 pm. Weighing 8lbs 3oz and 20.5 inches long!

at the age of 2, Shane the baby of our family isn't such a baby any more. He is the first to say "I'm not a baby". Shane weighs in at 28lbs and is 33 inches tall. Shane is a ball of energy and always on the go and getting into trouble. Basically if he's not suppose to do it or touch it, he's gonna try to anyway and look cute doing it! He's become a little chatter box, and likes to sing songs. Especially the one about the monkey's in the tree! Shane's favorite toys are the imaginext ones that go to the batcave, and anything that has wheels!!! He loves fire trucks and police cars the most!

Anyway, now that you are caught up on the boys....
Since their birthdays are so close together Mommy does a party for them together. So this sunday we had a small family party at our house. Here are some pics from the day!!!!
Mommy made Shane a Barn Yard cake. You might not be able to read the writting, but it says "Oink, Moo, Shane is 2!!!!"

Since Collin LOVES video games, and especially Mario, Mommy made him are REALLY cool Mario cake!

here he is sitting with it!

Shane LOVED getting sung too!!! He was so excited!

he tried hard to blow out the candles!

Even though he won't admit it, Collin enjoyed being sung to as well!!!!


Next was present time!!!! Here is Shane holding up his Hat set!

Collin opening up some Beyblades!

This was from us, so I (and Aiden) wanted to help Shane out!

Shane said "Ooooh, Cool Cars". We got him cars 2 movie!

So After the boys party, something else exciting you all remember me telling you about that freak snow storm we had last week..WELL, that snow storm ruin Halloween for us. Or so we thought. It actually just pushed it back. Mommy said that is called Postponed. Either way, what it meant was we got to go trick or treating after the boys party. SO, we all got in our costumes and headed out the door. But not before Mom snapped some pics. Here we all are!

Mommy said we are like the messed up "A-team" I don't know what that means, but I think it has something to do with Aiden and I being super heros!!!!

Shane got called MANY things through the night, Robin hood, an elf, Peter Pan..but as anyone can see...he was LINK from Zelda!

I decided to stray away from my usual princess costumes and go for the VERY cool "WONDER WOMAN" I mean, check out the boots I got to wear. How cool!

Aiden chose to be super man. He was a little frustrated he had to wear so much clothes under his costume, but Mommy said if you don't you'll be ice man instead.

Collin was a very cool Vampire!!! You can't tell from this pic but he had the crazy teeth and all!

at first Shane wasn't sure what to do. We had been practicing with him all week to say trick or treat, but he didn't really know what we meant till we were actually doing it. With in a few houses he got that he said "Trick or treat" and would get candy, and move on to the next house. At first he wanted to stay at each house and visit, but once he got that the more we moved the more candy he got he was ALL about it!

After we were done trick or treating Mommy got us in our jammies and said we could stay up late. I heard her and Daddy saying something about keeping us up so we didn't get up to early because of the time change..but some of us were more tired than others...Aiden fell asleep with in minuets of sitting with daddy!

Well, that's it from us for this time. Once again a big HUGE happy birthday to My Biggest brother Collin and my littlest brother Shane. We all love you so much!